Thursday, January 3, 2013


Live in such a way that if anyone were to speak badly of you, no one would believe it.

There was a time several years ago when I let someone into my life that was malicious, self involved and mean spirited. She took a very tragic situation in my life and turned it into something that wasn't at all true. As a result of her lies, I lost several people in my life that meant a great deal to me. It was a very difficult time but I learned a lot about myself and other people from that experience. I also gained one of the greatest friendships I have ever known. I think the hardest part of this whole situation was that I couldn't believe that my so-called friends would believe the things this person was saying. If they really knew me, how could they think I would do something like this and why would they choose to believe her over me? I'll never know that answer and perhaps these were toxic friends that had served their purpose in my life and were meant to be discarded. Whatever the case, it caused me to really re-examine myself to ensure that I was the person I believed myself to be.

So, what's my point? We should all be living our lives with great integrity. If we treat others the way we would want to be treated and live our lives being true to the things we believe, even when we don't think anyone is watching, karma will pay back people like this woman who do things only to gain something themselves.

Recently, this person has lost her husband and all of the friends that stood by her at that time and her life has a great emptiness she will never be able to fill. As hard as it is, I try not to sit in judgement and I certainly don't relish in her pain. Instead, I'm trying to understand that karma really does exist. We'll eventually get what we bestow on to others.

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