I am a lucky girl ... my husband is a great, very thoughtful gift giver. I woke up this morning after going to sleep at 10:30 and being woke up by my dog 4 times between 10:30 and 5:30. Needless to say, I was groggy. I then realized my dog had a huge abcess on his lower jaw and his face was all swollen. He wouldn't eat breakfast and looked sad and pathetic. As all of you know, I love my dogs, sometimes more than my human kids, and seeing them sick is a great stressor for me. Of course this would happen to me on the day before I leave my job of almost 8 years. I need to be there today. My bosses are never going to believe when I call in because my dog is sick. Ugh.
Realizing I can't leave him like this, I text my boss to let her know what is going on and get my dog to the vet. The diagnosis? Some weird infection that he gets about once a year and an appointment to come back later for further examination. Yuck. My whole day is blown. Then I see it there on the kitchen counter....
I find myself taking a deep breath and thanking God for giving me such an amazing man who never forgets these kind of days, even the small silly Hallmark ones. I open the card that has a handwritten note apologizing for the fact that it's written in a Sharpie but telling me how proud he is of me and how much luck he wishes me in my new job and of course, how much he loves me. Inside the gift bag is a beautiful Ipad mini cover (that I desperately needed) and a Pandora charm for my bracelet that has a little martini glass to commemorate my new job, which happens to be in the adult beverage industry.
We don't normally really celebrate Valentine's Day because we got engaged on February 16th, so we celebrate that day instead. This reminds me why, as a couple, it's important not to let silly holidays like this go by. I know we should show one another love every day and not wait for a holiday to celebrate our love, but let's be real, life is busy and life can be tough. It's often easy to take one another for granted or get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life. Thank you, honey, for remembering today and reminding me why I love you. Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day, Denyse!