Monday, December 3, 2012

The Spirit of Receiving!

I realize it's been a week or so since my last post .... it's been hellacious since Thanksgiving. We planned our annual Cookie Exchange with our friends for the first weekend in December thinking it would make everything easier on us. Oh boy....2 major school projects, 2 exams, 2 job interviews and the party. I didn't think I'd survive last week. Whew! Since we're talking about the Cookie Exchange, I thought I'd share a picture of the very lovely entree I served, Borsin Stuffed Chicken Breasts Wrapped in Bacon ... for 25!
I impressed even myself and they were delish! You do have to admit, they are beautiful right? I highly recommend this if you ever have to cook for a large group and want to serve something elegant. They were so easy! Anyway.... back to my original thought. I'm feeling a little like a spoiled brat or maybe even a princess right now .... maybe a little guilty. I was talking with my best friend on the way to work the other morning and she was telling me how she and her husband were probably not going to exchange gifts this year because there was nothing she really wanted. I laughed but then quickly realized she wasn't kidding. NOTHING? I want EVERYTHING. First of all, I made a pact that I would never allow for any holiday to be a "pass" for my husband or I, even if the other didn't want anything. But this conversation really got me to wondering if I'm just a big biotch or if it's okay to want something .... anything .... everything! I'm kind of not kidding .... I think I'm the easiest person to shop for because I love everything and even when I have everything, there will still be something I want. Don't get me wrong, I'm very much a giver, I love to give gifts as much as I love to get them but does it make it wrong that I want gifts? If my husband asked me what I wanted I would have no problem reciting at least 10 things right off the top of my head. Does that make me sound like a glutton? I can't help it, I love nice things, is that wrong? I love when my husband spoils me and buys me things ... they don't have to be expensive things, I just like things! As I listened to her, it kind of made me sad for her ... it's such a wonderful thing to want things. I have an endless list of things I dream about. I'm not knocking her simplicity, it's a beautiful thing and she's obviously my best friend but I would be sad if I didn't want anything. I'm going to just embrace my inner princess and basque in the wonderful season of giving! :)

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