Monday, November 19, 2012


Melissa abandoned me on the Atkins trail today. I'll admit I was kind of bummed, it was this silent motivation that was really keeping me on track; however, I guess I knew it wouldn't last forever. After all, she doesn't really need it and it's a big sacrafice for someone who doesn't need it. I'm trying to keep on keeping on, I've come this far, I need to keep going. I feel better than I have in a long time. Speaking of Melissa, she had a tragedy in her life this weekend ... her friend from high school was killed in a car accident that they think was a result of his diabetes. Very sad story and it got me to thinking about Jacqui. Next month will be the five year anniversary of her death. I still can't believe she's gone. Every so often I go to just so I can see her face, her smile. Sometimes I miss her so much and now, even five years later, sometimes I can't believe she's gone. I feel for Melissa, I know how rattling this is and I'm sad for her loss, for his family and mostly for him .... passing so young. It's that time of year that we should remember how short life is and how much we should cherish those around us. Don't go to bed mad. Call someone you love, even when it's an inconvenience to your day. Tell your kids you love them everyday. Don't take today for granted. Smile as much as you can. Love as much as your capable of. Don't let a moment go by without remembering how lucky you are to be here.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of your commitment to Atkins. You look amazing! Remember mind over matter, you control you. :) If I can quit smoking, you can do this! Keep up the good work.
